Pruning Roses Part 1. Tools.

January is a good time to prune roses in the U.K. but it varies around the World so please check with your local gardening centre when you should do it in your area. 
First things first - here is the list of essential tools you would need for rose pruning:

1. Good quality sharp secateurs. I use Niwaki Tobisho secateurs and I personally think they are the best. They might be on the more expensive side but they’re a good investment and they will last you for years!

2. Leather pruning gloves. They should be soft and comfortable but thorn resistant and have an extended cuff to protect your wrist and forearm. 

3. Pruning saw for larger stems. I find this essential for climbers like ‘Shropshire Lad’ where the stems become too thick for secateurs.

4. Gardening bucket for stems and leaves. Usually I empty the cuttings into a huge reusable bag and take them to the local waste centre. I never put rose stems and leaves in my garden compost because of the risk of a black spot disease.

5. It might be sensible to wear protective glasses. I normally wear glasses for my sight so I’m aware of the advantage. The number of times I have nearly poked myself in the eye with a sharp rose branch but been saved by my glasses is countless!

Thank you for reading and I hope you will find this useful!

Essential Tools for Pruning Roses

Pruning Roses Part 2. Standard Roses.